DFY Blog/Podcast/Inflation Is Here... Are You Ready And How Can You Protect Against It?

Inflation Is Here... Are You Ready And How Can You Protect Against It?

DFY Real Estate


Today we’re talking about inflation, how reports state that it is still increasing very fast, and how real estate gives us the ability to navigate it more successfully than many other things.

“Get into real estate because it can act as a hedge against inflation.” – Kevin Clayson

We see it in real-time, with our own eyes. Inflation grew in June, more than at any other time since 2008. We saw inflation increased to 5.4%, and it’s showing on the things we consume every day.

Inflation is essential in our economy and a part of growth, but when it grows too quickly, it becomes unhealthy and can ultimately hurt many people.

Since real estate is tangible and there is a limited supply, it works as a natural hedge against inflation.

Listen as we discuss how you can protect against this tangible threat, and not even that, but take advantage of inflation and use it to replace your income and find financial freedom.

Key Takeaways

  • Inflation is increasing, and the price of things we use daily is going up (1:34)
  • Inflation is growth, but when it happens too fast, it hurts a lot of people (7:39)
  • ​How real estate is a natural hedge against inflation (12:31)
  • ​Why the price of homes goes up (14:50)
  • ​Inflation is real and is increasing. You need to learn to navigate it (21:45)

Additional Resources:

  • Learn more about Done For You Real Estate: VISIT HERE
  • ​Get a FREE Income Replacement Estimate (IRE): APPLY HERE
  • ​Register for our FREE Monthly Webinar Series: SIGN UP HERE

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