DFY Real Estate
Good deals get you closer to your goal. On that point, what makes a good deal will depend on what your goals are.
It’s all about perspective.
Steve and I are focused on income replacement, which means conventional methods for estimating real estate opportunities don’t apply. They’re outdated.
So, what are our options?
In today’s real estate industry, you can often hear people advocate “going with your gut” or “following your instincts.”
But replacing your income requires security and long term success. Merely going with your gut won’t cut it – it’s too risky.
What you need is a predictable system that will allow you to mitigate risk and increase potential return.
For us, that system is founded in safe, conservative, single-family property investments. But there’s a lot more to it!
We need to take into account characteristics like location, structural repair requirements, affordability…
There’s a lot of factors to consider, and we’re going to go through all of them in today’s episode.
We’re going to talk about our own, Done For You definition of a good real estate deal that has helped us guide every single one of our client’s real estate investments and create wins across the board.
Tune in to learn more!
“If it’s good for you, it’s probably good for other people.” – Steve Earl
“A home, a real estate property, will sell for what somebody is willing to pay for it.” – Steve Earl
“There’s risk in real estate… You can’t avoid it. So you have to mitigate that risk.” – Kevin Clayson
“A minimized or mitigated risk with a predictable system can increase your potential return.” – Kevin Clayson
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And remember…
Income replacement for you and your family may only be one property away!