This presentation describes the business model of the Done For You Real Estate network and represents intellectual property of Real Estate LLC d/b/a Done for You Real Estate, USA. This presentation is being provided for informational and training purposes only. Any and all information, including all figures and/or projections, are not intended to be relied upon, and in no way constitute a promise or guaranty of potential returns. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the fairness, accuracy or completeness of the presentation and the information contained herein and no reliance should be placed on it.
From the desk of Steve Earl
Associate Broker eXp, ICON Agent, CEO of DFY
As an eXp team builder, we know your priority is building a thriving, stable team. That’s why we've carefully designed both our DFY Real Estate, eXp Partnership to empower your agents with the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to sustain frontline qualified status, ensure constant transactional profits, and ultimately, contribute to your team’s strength and growth.
The Foundation Certification Path provides a solid foundation in DFY real estate investment principles, equipping your agents with the essential skills to successfully integrate a real estate investing arm into their eXp businesses. This means more opportunities, more transactions, and more frontline qualified agents.
Done For You Real Estate USA – @2024 – All rights reserved